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About Alok Institute


To contribute to social development and the protection of nature by supporting actions that positively impact the lives of the most vulnerable populations and the environment. To inspire positive attitudes of solidarity.


A world where every human being lives in conditions that fully support their personal growth, enabling them to create and decide autonomously while collaborating in building a happy, fair, and sustainable society.


The Alok Institute is guided by a sense of unity that embraces cultures, communities, and the lives of all beings. We believe that a society is truly democratic when everyone has equal opportunities, and their rights and freedoms of choice are respected.

Areas of Work


Supporting young people and, especially, women in their qualification to undertake professional work, encouraging the creation of businesses and access to technology and credit.

Social Gastronomy

Fostering access to healthy food, in a context of nutritional security, conscious consumption and sustainable production.

Human Development

Contributing to access to conditions for a full life, specially in health and education, for women, children and adolescents, supporting the preservation of nature, gender equity, free sexual orientation, religious freedom and the empowerment of the black population and indigenous peoples.

Indigenous People

Strengthening the defense of their rights and the integrity of their territories, recognizing and celebrating their cultural diversity, strengthening sustainable economic processes and supporting socio-environmental actions in the villages.

Nature and Communities

Reforestation, restoration, and nature conservation initiatives, always with respect for biodiversity, empowering local communities, and integrating ancestral and modern knowledge to tackle the climate crisis.

Human Development

Contributing to access to conditions for a full life, specially in health and education, for women, children and adolescents, supporting the preservation of nature, gender equity, free sexual orientation, religious freedom and the empowerment of the black population and indigenous peoples.

Indigenous People

Strengthening the defense of their rights and the integrity of their territories, recognizing and celebrating their cultural diversity, strengthening sustainable economic processes and supporting socio-environmental actions in the villages.

How We Operate

The Alok Institute is a non-profit association created by the artist Alok for social investment in Brazil.

We provide technical advice to social organizations in their process of formulating and monitoring specific projects to be financially supported by us. The counseling aims to align goals and contribute to better fulfillment of our purpose of providing social assistance, building systemic transformations, and participating in collective dynamics of promotion and defense of rights.

We make financial donations for all projects with a spirit of solidarity in collective or individual emergencies. The donations are made from our own resources and/or with financial support from partnerships with other CSOs or private companies to contribute towards the objectives.

The organizations and projects supported, as well as our solidarity actions, are selected by the Institute’s curatorial team, but also through public calls or by incoming proposals.

The Alok Institute does not donate to social organizations in other countries but instead establishes learning exchanges to develop social technologies in Africa and India. We provide technical advice in a free and voluntary manner to implement and monitor desired goals.

From the point of view of public communication, and due to the technical advice offered, we use the phrase “projects supported by the Institute” – the same used for projects that receive financial resources in Brazil.

Our Team


Alok Achkar Peres Petrillo
Romana Novais de Souza A. Petrillo

Admistrative Council
(and Founders)

Alok Achkar Peres Petrillo

Vice President:
Fábio Correa Soares

Robson Cunha do Nascimento Junior
Rafael Rocha de Macedo
Gabriel Machado Lopes

Executive Director

Geraldinho Vieira (Devam Bhaskar)


Communication: Janaina Coe
Junior Editor: Gabriela Alves
Renata Quintella
Sandro Arakaki
 Tamiris Sobral e Andréia Dias
Financial: Maria de Fátima Albuquerque
Legal: Lorhayne Guimarães
Press: Agência Melina Tavares Comunicação

Fiscal Council

Anna Ryta Costa
Felipe Caldeira Lobo
Raul Marcilio de Souza


Goiânia – GO (Brasil)

Executive Director

Geraldinho Vieira (Devam Bhaskar) is the director of the Alok Institute. He previously directed the NGO ANDI – News Agency for Children’s Rights. He received a Special Mention from the National Human Rights Prize awarded by the Brazilian Federal Government in association with civil society (1997) and the Third Sector Citizen Award from Revista Imprensa. At Fundación Avina, he served as the Representative in Brazil and the international director of communication. A journalist, he was part of the Advisory Council of the Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano, then presided over by the writer Gabriel García Márquez. He has worked at Rede Globo-DF, Jornal de Brasília, and Correio Braziliense. He also served as Chief of Staff for Minister Antônio Houaiss at the Ministry of Culture.

Collaborative translation Portuguese – English: Alan Adkins, Egídio Leitão and Sandro Coneglian.

Projects and Exchanges

Brazil | Africa | India