The Som Nativo Collection aims to showcase the musical culture of Brazil’s indigenous peoples and create a musical archive of their repertoire.
On April 19, 2024, the album The Future is Ancestral was released. It is a collaborative work between indigenous musicians from 8 Brazilian ethnic groups and Alok. The ethnic groups involved are Yawanawa, Huni Kuin, Kariri Xocó, Guarani, Guarani Mbya, Kaingang, Nhadewa, and Xakriabá.
In the latter half of 2024, the Collection will release seven new albums featuring dozens of traditional and contemporary songs from various ethnic groups, except the Xakriabá. These albums will showcase the original works of these peoples, without any fusion with Alok’s electronic music and signature as a music producer. The songs were recorded in a professional studio and are performed and/or composed by indigenous artists.

The project is a contribution from the Alok Institute to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032). Music plays a vital role in the culture of indigenous peoples and is crucial for preserving their languages, many of which are unfortunately at risk of extinction. The lyrics are translated into Portuguese, Spanish, and English.
The albums will be accessible on streaming platforms, and all proceeds will go to the participating artists and/or communities.
Become a partner: We aim to release new albums every year for the next decade. To achieve this, we invite corporations, foundations, and individuals to join this project.
Partners: Loco Records and Altafonte

*See other projects with Indigenous Peoples in the areas of Human Development and Nature and Communities