Instituto Alok joins Instituto Feira Preta in an initiative to promote ventures led by young black and afro-indigenous women in the area of digital creative economy. With the support of the Black Princess Beer, the program “Pretas Potências – strengthening digital businesses”, started from a public notice to support 20 ventures, with 20 thousand reais each to boost their businesses and 20 hours of mentoring. It was launched in the celebration of 20 years of the Feira Preta Festival (2021).
The aim is to strengthen women that have businesses in regions of low social mobility, such as outskirts and low-income communities, anywhere in Brazil.
The ventures take place in the following areas of digital creative economy:
1. NEW MEDIA – Content creators (journalists, creators, streamers, podcasters, entrepreneurs of parallel and/or alternative media, audiovisual producers, producers of content channels in various media – blogs, Instagram, Tik Tok, Youtube, Facebook, etc.)
2. DIGITAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING (Digital designers – UX Design, UI Design; Game developers; Digital Fabrication – makers).
(Audio producers, tracks, jingles, music).
(Developers of technologies and apps, Programmers).
Alok Announces the Winners:

Discover the selected companies and their projects:
New Media

Ana Lucia
Montel da Silva
Boa Vista – RR
Popular communicator, audiovisual producer, activist and founder of the communication and popular culture producer Resistir Produções, which works with guidelines directly aimed at the black population, indigenous peoples, women and peoples of the Amazon.
About the mentorships: “With the mentorships, we realize the real priorities for the business.”
About the financial support: “We are investing in equipment and in holding the 1st Festival of Communication and Popular Culture of the Outskirts. With part of the resource, we contributed to the Raise for Life movement in Roraima.”
Support Resistr Productions:

São Paulo – SP
Creator and founder of Perifacon, a platform that democratizes access to nerd, geek and pop culture and creates opportunities for the broken.
About the mentorships: “Before the mentorships, Perifacon was just under my management and as they went on I understood that I needed to mature more ideas before creating new products.”
On financial support: “I decided to hire more professionals for my business”.
Support Perifacon:

Ianca Santos de Oliveira
Santo Amaro – BA
CEO of Aterrar Produções, an audiovisual production company that builds anti-racist narratives with the cell phone in the interior of the Bahian Recôncavo.
About mentorships: “Before mentoring, I thought about doing the first season of the webseries “Autobiographies of Black Cis and Trans Women.” After everything I learned during the classes and the exchanges carried out with Preta Potência Jenny Mattos, we decided to work in partnership on the webseries project, thinking about the public notices that are emerging. I still can’t believe I’m a Black Power, it seems like a dream. Thank you for believing in me and my business.”
About the financial support: “We are investing in the purchase of equipment, in the registration of the brand, developing a new visual identity, a communication strategy and the creation of a website.”
Support Aterrar Productions:

Jenny Mattys
São Mateus – ES
Partner at EduCast, an active education portal within communities, democratizing information and raising social awareness.
About mentorships: “Before mentoring, my focus was on a physical space, but then I understood that I needed to institutionalize and regularize the company.”
About the financial support: “A part of the resource was used for the purchase and repair of equipment, transportation, materials for better execution of our work and administrative payments.”
Support EduCast:

Jessica Gonzaga Napoleão Valois
Manaus – AM
Co-founder of Spearhead Collective, which has been operating in the sector of providing digital communication services since 2018. The collective works from a perspective of popular communication on Instagram, to promote spaces for active listening to the peripheral Amazonian populations.
About the mentorships: “With the mentorships, we reinforced the investment objective that we had foreseen in the application.”
About the financial support: “We are supplying the structural needs, such as the regular payment of rent, water, energy, internet of the production studio, acquisition of equipment (we furnish the work environment for the beginning of productions, with the acquisition of two tables and four chairs; we purchased some support equipment for the production process, such as a Logitech brio 4k Webcam, two BM-800 condenser microphones, JWL professional compact mixer, cable for musical instruments Player, Softbox Kit 50x70cm Led Illuminator 126 Circular and photo reflector).”
Support the Ponta de Lance Collective:

Kaynara Paixão
São Luis – MA
Content Creator. Her Kay No Crespo project talks about beauty, fashion, acceptance of black women’s curls and curly hair, raising self-esteem and strengthening empowerment.
About the mentorships: “With the mentorships, I started to organize myself better. They helped me see my business in the long term, to manage it better, in addition to the possibility of making more profits. The marketing and finance mentorships made me put into action some important points for my business.”
On financial support: “We are investing in structuring the business and we have hired an accounting firm.”
Support Kay at Crespo:

Maria Ferreira da Conceição
Guarulhos – SP
Creator of the Impressões de Maria platform, whose purpose is to encourage reading, promote, support and discuss the creations of black writers through text and video productions, supported by the youtube channel and social networks.
About mentorships: “During the mentorships I understood the need to regularize the registration of my brand, to invest in the engagement of social networks and in the remuneration of the team.”
About the financial support: “With part of the resource, I have already hired a designer to develop the visual identity of my channel and my social networks.”
Support Maria’s Impressions:

Mariana de Paula Santos
Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Co-founder of LabJaca, a research and production laboratory for data and narratives about favelas and peripheries, located in the Jacarezinho favela, north of Rio de Janeiro. Its main objective is to de-marginalize the favela resident’s narrative, valuing the knowledge that comes from the communities so that public policies and private actions that aim to promote these territories can be guided, generating a positive social impact. The audiovisual is the flagship for disseminating data and enhancing narratives, making research accessible to the population.
About the mentorships: “Before the mentorship, we would work on new training fronts.”
On financial support: “We are investing in prospecting for the institutional strengthening of the business.”
Support LabJaca:

Mariana de Paula Santos
Itapevi – SP
Founder of Agência Tribos, a casting agency for exclusively Peripheral and Black models. The agency aims to redefine and democratize the fashion, events and advertising market, integrating, including and generating income for the peripheral and black people with humanized service, fair prices, and understanding the needs of each client. The entire process is carried out digitally, respecting the geographic location of each one, and without bureaucracy.
About the mentorships: “With the mentorships, I am much more grounded, more assertive in my choices and decisions”.
About the financial support: “We are investing in equipment for the business, such as the purchase of a notebook and a business phone, in addition to structuring the image and communication part of the agency.”
Support Agência Tribos:

Mayara Virginia Feitosa Rodrigues
Brasília – DF
Founder of Truvart, a festival from Brasilia, developed in 2018, with the objective of bringing information, uniting musicians, artisans, makers from the Federal District and surroundings, in various areas such as music, fashion, culture and socioeconomics, always aiming at diversity, inclusion, mainly strengthening and praising black entrepreneurship in the sociocultural scene of the Midwest.
About the mentorships: “With the help of the mentorships, we decided to make some essential investments for our business.”
About the financial support: “We are renovating the recording scene, implementing new lighting, as well as improving materials, in addition to formalizing the contract and legal monitoring, hiring a new professional in the area of social networks and marketing.”
Support Truvart:

Sarah Esli de Lima Souza
Natal – RN
Co-founder of Casa Afropoty, a black entrepreneurship hub in the field of Creative Economy – whose main bases are: income generation, professional training and creation. It arises with the purpose of dynamizing the scenario of the Potiguar creative economy, having as a starting point the Afropotyguar aesthetics.
About the mentorships: “All the classes contributed to Casa Afropoty and much more. The shared knowledge I have taken to my personal life and professional performance. As mentorships took place, we saw several needs for our business.”
On financial support: “We are investing in a team, hiring professionals to help us with fundraising, sales and communication. In addition, we will also invest in work equipment, training and living expenses for the team that works at Casa Afropoty.”
Support Casa Afropoty:
Digital Design and Manufacturing

Chrislanne Michelle Silva de Freitas
Campina Grande – PB
Founder of Chris Freitas Designer, a creative agency exclusively for women entrepreneurs with simple, clear and empathetic processes.
About mentorships: “With the changes during the cycle, I started to see my business with more sensitivity and clarity, I identified some specific points to be developed, such as delegating some functions and structuring administrative activities. Today I can make long-term plans with greater confidence.”
About the financial support: “I’m investing in tools and equipment that allow me to have a better workflow, in addition to carrying out a photo shoot to reinforce my personal image.”
Support Chris Freitas Designer:

Leticia Menezes
Salvador – BA
Founder and matrix manager of Olabisi – Laboratório Criativo, a project that seeks to provide digital education to generate autonomy for black, peripheral, LGBTQIAP+ people, mothers and/or microentrepreneurs. Olabisi is composed of a team of four black, cis, bisexual women from Salvador – Bahia, who, together, perform services such as Social Media, photography, illustration, consulting, mentoring, courses, online event production, visual identity creation and much more.
About the mentorships: “Being at Pretas Potências was a turning point for my personal life and especially for my business. Before receiving the result, I was already dealing with the possibility of ending the project and preparing myself for it. From the moment of the result and especially of the mentorships, we have a totally different attitude, that of continuity, planning and sustainable awareness.”
On financial support: “We are managing the resource well to reverberate to our communities. We already use a part of it to pay for the Libras course that generates accessibility on the platform and also to register the Olabisi brand.”
Support Olabisi:

Suellen Fernandes
São Paulo – SP
Executive at Creative Hand – an indie game developer.
About mentorships: “Before mentoring, I was thinking about using the prize feature to start a new game, but during the mentoring process, we launched the demo version of the Tiny Witch game and it had a good acceptance in the market. With the help of the mentors, I am adjusting what already exists and having the opportunity to see new visions and alternatives, in addition to helping me to better structure the business, changing the way I manage it.”
On the financial support: “We have decided that the proceeds will go towards the completion of the Tiny Witch game programming, approximately 30-day marketing campaign and quality testing.”
Play the demo version of Tiny Witch at:
Support Creative Hand:

Dandara Maria
São Paulo – SP
Creator of Atelier Revista AQUENDA, a platform for the creation, reception and promotion of fashion, art, culture and communication. In her enterprise, she sews and customizes the pieces, in addition to developing marketing actions.
About the mentorships: “Based on the mentorships, I am restructuring the entire project in a more technical way and thinking about its sustainability in the medium and long term.”
About the financial support: “With the value of the prize, we rented a studio to produce, we bought some materials needed to conduct and maintain the space and a cell phone for social media and customer service.”
Support AQUENDA Magazine Workshop:

Flay Alves
Governador Nunes Freire – MA
Founding CEO of CriAtivas, a virtual platform to empower women in their writing skills.
About mentorships: “During the mentorships, what changed the most was the order of priorities in my business investments.”
About the financial support: “We are registering the brand, hiring writers to give short courses on the platform and acquiring some equipment that will be important for CriAtivas to have a good delivery not only of content, but of audiovisual quality. We used part of the resource to hire legal advice and trademark registration.”
Support CriAtivas:

São Paulo – SP
Visual artist, illustrator, educator and muralist. Her business is her illustrations and her purpose is to expand by making art.
About the mentorships: “Before the mentorships, I think I was much more practical (and a little impulsive), but now I’m very calm and careful, being very cautious with all my steps. I understand that the products I develop are the ones that deserve the most attention at the moment, and the other demands will be consequences of this process.”
About the financial support: “With part of the resource, I bought a cell phone to concentrate the commercial accounts and to service the store I’m building. I´ve been having weekly meetings with my team in order to plan and focus on the next releases.”
Support Nazura:

Florianópolis – SC
Multimedia artist, she sings and composes, holds a master’s degree in Theater and is a project manager, she has collaborated with several initiatives related to the black art scene in the southern region of the country. In recent years, she was the manager and actress of Coletivo NEGA, where in addition to producing the performances, she also created art education projects such as @mulheres.negras.resistem.
About the mentorships: “In the Pretas Potências Program I saw the possibility of taking an old dream off the ground: creating a production company mostly made with black people who thought about audiovisual and black music, focusing on what we call creative direction, enabling the scene to grow. art in the state, that’s how Encantaria was born. The paths opened up along the mentorships, making the project more focused.”
About the financial support: “I’m investing in equipment and in the launch of my first work signed by our production company: “ATO 1 – License to Arrive” part of the multimedia project #NãoPrecisaSerForte”.
Support Encantaria:

Élida de Aquino
Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Founder and director of experience at AfrôBox, the first Brazilian subscription club focused on curating beauty products for the black community. Today he is dedicated to startup leadership and works on projects and studies related to social impact, innovation and entrepreneurship.
About mentorships: “The main result of mentorships is that I am seeing more clearly new possibilities for my business.”
On financial support: “I am investing in new formats such as operational support, logistics partnerships and outsourcing marketing content.”
Support AfroBox:

Victoria Santana de Souza
São Paulo – SP
Founder of Ubuntu Hub, a technology and social transformation platform for young people from the periphery. The objective of this project is to develop socio-emotional and technological skills through personalized trails, in addition to helping young people aged between 16 and 30 from the outskirts to enter the technology market and generate formal income.
About the mentorships: “With the guidance of the mentors, we decided to focus on the technological aspect of our business.”
About the financial support: “We are developing the learning platform and investing in the marketing of the initiative to transform the project into a business with relevant social impact in the city of São Paulo.”
Support Ubuntu Hub:
Ver essa foto no Instagram
Mentorships from:
Magali Moraes in New Media
Rayanne Lima in Digital Design and Manufacturing
AKIN ABAZ in Technology
Vera Santana in Culture
Watch the videos with each of the winners
on our Youtube channel
About Feira Preta:
The Feira Preta Institute houses PretaHub, an accelerator of black entrepreneurship in Brazil. A hub of creativity, inventiveness and black trends. It is an evolution of the 20-year experience of Feira Preta, the largest black culture and economy event in Latin America.